Westside Reservoir

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The City of Wilsonville is constructing a new seismically resilient reservoir and transmission line to increase overall water storage capacity to support growth and provide an additional water supply in the event of an emergency.

The project supplements four existing water storage tanks currently operated by the City and will be constructed on City-owned property on SW Tooze Road in unincorporated Clackamas County. The water transmission line will connect the new reservoir to the community’s existing water system.

  • New 3-million-gallon water storage reservoir
  • Built to modern seismic and operational standards
  • Onsite stormwater management
  • Associated electrical and communications
  • Access driveway
  • Landscaping and screening
  • 4,000 linear feet of 24-inch water transmission line

Learn more at https://ci.wilsonville.or.us/engineering/page/westside-reservoir. And check the tabs below for opportunities to learn more about the project and engage with the project team about the project, the timeline, its impacts and the results.

The City of Wilsonville is constructing a new seismically resilient reservoir and transmission line to increase overall water storage capacity to support growth and provide an additional water supply in the event of an emergency.

The project supplements four existing water storage tanks currently operated by the City and will be constructed on City-owned property on SW Tooze Road in unincorporated Clackamas County. The water transmission line will connect the new reservoir to the community’s existing water system.

  • New 3-million-gallon water storage reservoir
  • Built to modern seismic and operational standards
  • Onsite stormwater management
  • Associated electrical and communications
  • Access driveway
  • Landscaping and screening
  • 4,000 linear feet of 24-inch water transmission line

Learn more at https://ci.wilsonville.or.us/engineering/page/westside-reservoir. And check the tabs below for opportunities to learn more about the project and engage with the project team about the project, the timeline, its impacts and the results.

  • FAQ

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    What is a water reservoir?
    A reservoir is a water storage tank to help manage supply for a municipal water system.

    What will be included in this west side reservoir project?
    The project will supplement the four storage reservoirs already in use by the City. It will include a new 3-million-gallon concrete reservoir, approximately 4,000 linear feet of 24-inch diameter finished water transmission main, and associated site improvements. It will be built to seismic and contemporary operating standards and provide resilient, safe water storage.

    Why is the City building the west side reservoir?
    Wilsonville is one of Oregon’s fastest growing communities. The City is investing in the new reservoir and transmission line to meet increased demand and ensure the system can meet critical water needs of our community as it grows. Combined with the City’s current water storage, the west side reservoir will help meet the growing need for more capacity as well as the need for a greater emergency water supply storage.

    Where will the new water reservoir be located?
    It will be located at 12771 SW Tooze Road on City-owned property in unincorporated Clackamas County. The site is approximately 6.84 acres and currently houses a residential home and a City public works storage barn.

    Why was this site outside of the city limits selected?

    In the 2012 City of Wilsonville Water System Master Plan, it was identified that the reservoir would need to be located at a higher elevation than the area it serves to distribute water efficiently and more cost-effectively with reduced environmental impact. After analyzing more than 20 properties, the Tooze Road site met all the technical and operational requirements to build the reservoir. No site within City limits met the requirements.

    The site was purchased by the City in 2012 and received land use approval for a reservoir that same year, which was extended in 2022.

    What will the finished reservoir facility look like?
    The project is still in the preliminary design stages. The final design is anticipated to be at most 30 feet tall. The site will be landscaped to provide visual screening for local neighbors and fit into the local aesthetic.

    The project team will share design plans with the public as they progress. The City is committed to robust community engagement to ensure community feedback is considered in the design and that the completed project reflects the community's needs and values.
    When will construction begin?
    Preliminary design of the new reservoir is currently underway. Construction is anticipated to begin in the Summer of 2024. A firmer date will be known as the project gets further along in the design process. Construction is anticipated to take about a year to complete.

    When in operation, will the new reservoir increase traffic to the area?
    No. The site is currently being used as a storage facility that staff regularly accesses for City of Wilsonville Public Works. It is anticipated that once the site is transitioned to a reservoir facility, traffic in and out of the site will be reduced.

    How will construction impact neighbors?
    The reservoir will be constructed on City-owned property, which will help limit the impact on most neighbors. However, construction on any infrastructure project of this size will have some short-term impact, including intermittent temporary lane closures on SW Tooze Road when installing the transmission line. The City and its contractors will coordinate closely with neighbors, Washington County, and other agency partners to minimize disruptions.

    How will the City keep the community informed and engaged in the project?
    The City is committed to keeping neighbors, the traveling public, and the broader community informed about the project and its impacts. Expect updates to the project web page, targeted mailings, fliers, and/or door hangers to those in/near the project area, social media, public open houses, and articles in the Boones Ferry Messenger.

    You stay up to date on the project by aligning up for:

    E-newsletter: http://eepurl.com/h2sFwL

    Text Alerts: Text RESERVOIR to 866-935-0125

    Can I participate in the process?
    The City is committed to robust community engagement throughout the project to ensure community feedback is considered in the design and that the completed project reflects the community's needs and values. Opportunities to learn more about the project and engage include a project web page, open houses, e-newsletter, and others.

  • Project Highlights

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    • Increases water storage and delivery capacity to support growth
    • Provides additional Fire Flow supply for pressure zone
    • Provides additional water for everyday use and emergencies
    • Provides seismic resilience in the event of an earthquake
    • Reduces time and cost to build by using existing City-owned site
    • Offers space for future water system improvements
Page last updated: 26 Jul 2024, 01:53 PM